Chapter 3856 A Mother's Dark Side(Taboo Sex):>Ep27
- Emily just nodded once more, unsure of whether she was about to start coughing again or pass out. Her head was full of gauze and lightheaded at the same time, a feeling that was both confusing and wonderful. The rapid heartbeat that pounded in her chest was intense in a way that would be scary if it hadn't been something she'd been chasing for months. All of the sudden she was overcome with the desire to fuck, not an uncommon feeling for her when she was high, but the intensity of her desire was overwhelming.
- Without saying anything she crawled over to Darren and began to unclasp the black belt that held up his black jean shorts. Darren immediately batted her hand away and did it himself, taking only a few seconds to get naked below the waistline. His cock was still soft, but Emily would change that quickly. She practically dove onto his cock, sucking it and working it with her hands in a feverish manner.
- "Fuck, baby," Darren remarked in a pleased tone.